news from your teachers

International conference

International conference

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Dear students,

As I told you, in June an international conference on Ecological Economics will take place in this department, info here

As chair of the conference, I am pleased to offer interested students the possibility of helping the local organising committe and volunteer during the days of the conference. This will give you the opportunity to listen several scientific sessions of the conference and interact with international scholars in the field of sustainability.
Mainly, we'll ask you to help our international guests to find their way around, and to provide them assistance during their presentations, if needed.

The conference aims to contribute to a better understanding of the actions needed to change the current unsustainable trajectories of human society and economy, by addressing amongst others the science-policy gap. The questions: ‘Will politicians catch up with science and engaged civil society?’ and ‘What are the transformative actions to escape from the current unsustainable paths?’ will stand central during the conference. (for more information:

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