1) You have to prepare a short presentation (max 6 minutes) about one SGDs.
Your objective is to teach your classmates, to tell them in an effective way what the goal is about. HENCE, GOAL, TARGETs, INDICATORS and progress towards goal have to be explained.
You have to work in team of 3 or 4. One or two have to set the scene, the others can focus on her/his country or on companies by using the following website
You can meet where you want, also by using the Teams' platform.
You MUST try the presentation in advance. To this purpose, you can use the Teams of the course.
Presenters HAVE to upload the presentation (PPT or others) BEFORE the class. If more people prepared a unique presentation (BEST OPTION), each presenter has to upload the full presentation separately (it's easier for me and the system), and write in a note the name of the other presenters.
If you want share a (short) video I'll give you extra time, but you have to know how to do (look on the internet if you have windows) otherwise tell me in advance and I will show it.
2) You also have to choose to study in details another SDG. You will then
be a discussant of the presentations of your classmates. What
does it mean? You will have to comment the presentation, by highlighting
aspects that are not enough emphasised in the presentation, or adding
other important issues, or just ask questions.
It is not allowed be that A presents and B discusses and B presents and A discusses
3) I will not give a mark to your presentation or discussion. You will write about the goal you discussed or presented at the final exam, hence, giving a nice presentation will help you at the final exam.
4) ALL HAVE TO HAVE A LOOK AT THE GOAL before the presentation