Reading list
A=mandatory; B=read/watch only; C=supplementary material; for the meaning of the asterisk* see below |
A.0 | You need to study ONLY 6 SDGs (including those you presented or discussed) | |
Topic 1: |
What is SustDv? Our Common Future and Agenda 2030 |
Click below to submit the TIME SPENT ON EACH of these READINGs and YOUR QUESTIONs |
A.1.1 | Chapter 2 of OUR COMMON FUTURE (@ |
Submit |
A.1.2 |
Harris, Jonathan M. "Basic Principles of Sustainable Development" (2000)(download) |
Submit |
A.1.3 | Agenda 2030: @ or download the local copy |
Submit |
B.1.1 |
Sustainable development - concept and action (UNECE) @: |
A.1.4 | Robert, K. W., Parris, T. M., & Leiserowitz, A. A. (2005). What is sustainable development? Goals, indicators, values, and practice. Environment: science and policy for sustainable development, 47(3), 8-2 (download) |
Submit |
A.1.5* |
Mensah, J., & Casadevall, S. R. (2019). Sustainable development: Meaning, history, principles, pillars, and implications for human action: Literature review. Cogent Social Sciences, 5(1), 1653531. (download) |
Submit |
A.1.6 | Daly, H. E. (2007). Ecological economics and sustainable development, selected essays of Herman Daly, Edward Elgar (Download) Farley, J., & Luzzati, T. (2023). In memoriam: Herman Daly (1938–2022). (Download) |
Submit |
A.1.S |
Lecture's slides--> see slide section | |
Topic 2: |
At the roots of unsustainability: the Anthropocene |
A.2.1 | Boulding, K. (1966). The economics of the coming spaceship Earth. In Environmental Quality in a Growing Economy. H. Jarrett Ed. (Download) |
Submit |
A.2.2 |
Crutzen, P. J. (2002). Geology of mankind. Nature, 415(6867), 23-23 (Download) |
Submit |
A.2.3 |
Steffen, W., Grinevald, J., Crutzen, P., & McNeill, J. (2011). The Anthropocene: conceptual and historical perspectives. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 369(1938),
(Download) |
Submit |
A.2.4 | Rockstrom et al. 2009, A safe operating space for humanity (Download) |
Submit |
A.2.5 |
Georgescu Roegen: Minimal Bioeconomic Program (Download) |
Qs not needed |
A.2.6a* | Mayumi, Kozo. "Nicholas Georgescu‐Roegen: His Bioeconomics Approach to Development and Change." Development and Change 40, no. 6 (2009): 1235-1254 (Download) ONLY pp.1235-1240 Maneschi, A., & Zamagni, S. (1997). Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, 1906-1994. Economic Journal, 107(442), 695-707. ONLY SECTIONS I, III, IV (download) |
Submit |
A.2.6b |
Submit |
A.2.7 | Luzzati T., 2009, Human needs, sustainable development, and public policy: learning from K.W. Kapp (1910–1976), in Salvadori N. and Opocher A. (eds.), Long-run Growth, Social Institutions and Living Standards, Edward Elgar, 306-322
(Download) |
Submit |
A.2.8 | Fischer‐Kowalski, M., Krausmann, F., Giljum, S., Lutter, S., Mayer, A., Bringezu, S., ... & Weisz, H. (2011). Methodology and indicators of economy‐wide material flow accounting. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 15(6) (Download) (ONLY up to the first column of p. 862 PLUS my slides) AND the following Webpage: (all concepts have to be known VERY WELL, they are well explained also in the slides) |
Submit |
A.2.9 | ANTHROPOCENE: the film is not available anymore, PLS have a look here: |
Qs not needed |
A.2.10 | Video: 300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds WATCH | Qs not needed |
B.2.1 | | |
B.2.2 | DOCUFILM: |
Optional readings on topic 2 | ||
C |
Moore, Jason W., INTRODUCTION to "Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism" (2016). Sociology Faculty Scholarship. (available at G, Leonardi E, 2018, Anthropocene? More like ‘Capitalocene’ S., 2018, Review: Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Georgescu Roegen (1976) Energy and the Economic problem |
Topic 3: | The Circular Economy |
A.3.1 |
Explaining the Circular Economy and How Society Can Re-think Progress | Animated Video Essay: RETHINKING PROGRESS AND slides of the class (EU ActionPlan) |
Submit |
B.3.5 |
Circular Economy Explained: What Is It & Why Is It Important? |
Qs not needed |
B.3.6 |
What If We Don’t Buy Products and We Buy Service? Circular Economy Explained | Animated Video Essay |
Qs not needed |
A3.2 | de Man, R. and Friege, H., 2016. Circular economy: European policy on shaky ground, 93-95. Waste Management & Research, 34(2), 93–95. | Submit |
C | ||
Optional readings on topic 3 |
C |
Topic 4: | Policy-related issues |
A.4.1 | German Constitutional Court's ruling on the climate law: READ ALL the following papers and look for differences in writing a mass media article Guardian Financial Times (Guy Chazan, see my slides if not accessible) New York Times BBC |
Submit |
A.4.2 | a) Zaccai, E. (2012). Over two decades in pursuit of sustainable
development: Influence, transformations, limits. Environmental
Development, 1(1), 79-90. b) "Green tape" |
Submit |
A.4.3 | Slides of the lectures on env policies |
Submit |
A.4.5* | 1) Ambec,
S., Cohen, M.A., Elgie, S. and Lanoie, P., 2013. The Porter hypothesis
at 20: can environmental regulation enhance innovation and
competitiveness?. Review of environmental economics and policy, 7(1), pp.2-22. 2) Slides on the Porter's HP (L. Caluri) |
Submit |
C | Porter, M.E. and Van der Linde, C., 1995. Toward a new conception of the environment-competitiveness relationship. The journal of economic perspectives, 9(4), pp.97-118. | |
Topic 5: | The precautionary principle | |
A5.1 | Costanza 1989, What is ecological economics (excerpt) (psw Pace) |
Submit |
A5.2 | Stirling, The Guardian 2013 Stirling, A. (2007). Risk, precaution and science: towards a more constructive policy debate. Talking point on the precautionary principle. EMBO Reports, 8(4), 309–315. |
Submit |
A5.2 | My SLIDES on Precautionary Principle | Qs not needed |